2023 OTC Sportspersons of the Year
Every year we ask the members to nominate colleagues whom they feel warrant our 'sportsperson of the year' for both tennis and pickleball. We recognize them for their sportsmanship, commitment to the game and for just being folks we enjoy playing with. This year we honour:
Jeff Lai our Tennis Sportsperson of the Year
Carolyn Roy our Pickleball Sportsperson of the Year
2023 Club Championships
Congratulations to our 2023 club champions.
Thanks to our organizers and to all who participated.
Your 2023 Tennis Champions:
Mens Singles Competitive: Diego Estan
Womens Singles: Ann Lindeis
Mens Doubles: Logan Davis & Jameel Walji
Womens Doubles: Lynne Nina and Ann Lindeis
Mixed Doubles: Ed Nera & Ann Lindeis
Your 2023 Pickleball Champions:
Men's Doubles 4.0: Dave Mead & Ed Nera
Men's Doubles 3.5: Mike & Noah Potter
Men's Doubles 3.0 Jeff Lai & Paolo Nera
Men's Singles: Jean Quesnel
Women's Doubles 4.0: Carolyne Roy & Sonia Wang
Women's Doubles 3.5: Diane Boone & Jacinthe Auprix-Lefebvre
Women's Singles: Ann Lindeis
Mixed Doubles 4.0: Paule Pepin & Luc Tousignant
Mixed Doubles 3.5: Joane Van Bergen & Chris Cheverie